Take Extra Winter Precautions

Do you reside in a part of the country where you are still boating—but you may need to contend with freezing lakes and rivers? Regardless of whether you are still in a boat IN the water, or driving a snowmobile or ATV ON the water, you must take extra precaution to safely deal with a frozen-over lake or river.

The U.S. Coast Guard reminds us to observe the acronym ICE to be prepared in case your time on the water doesn’t go as you had hoped.

I – Intelligence: check the weather and ice conditions, know where you are going and know how to call for help/assistance.

C- Clothing: wear the proper anti-exposure clothes with multiple layers. If possible, wear a drysuit to prevent hypothermia, which can occur within minutes after falling through the ice.

E – Equipment: have the proper equipment such as a marine band radio, life jackets and screwdrivers.

Read more facts about ice and avoiding mishaps this winter.

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